09 April, 2011

she's so lucky

Hello friend.
So every year my school puts on a Relay For Life. If you don't know what that is, it's basically a way to raise awareness of cancer and and funds to go towards cancer research. It usually lasts two days and goes through the night. There are "teams" who are trying to raise money and they're all located inside a large track. I say "teams" because they aren't competing. They're coming together. Around the track are signs with facts about cancer as well as candles dedicated to people who have battled/are battling cancer. Each "team" needs to have someone walking around the track at all times, including throughout the night to signify how cancer never sleeps.
My family is really involved in Relays back home because my father is a cancer survivor. He was diagnosed when I was a sophomore in high school and has been cancer free for five years. It really brought my family together and we spread the story when we can. Relay is one of those places.
I wasn't really involved in this one but I went and walked a few laps and watched some of the performances. I'm sure I'll take part in a bunch this summer since my family loves getting involved in them.
Going to Relay just made me think about how lucky I am to have my dad. He really is my role model and thinking back, I don't know what I would have done had I lost him. He's always been my superhero, but now he is even more so.
I guess there's really no way to say how I feel about him or how happy I am that he's still present in my life. I guess part of the reason that I feel so grateful is because by being so involved with Relay, I've met people haven't been so lucky and have lost their loved ones.
I really am lucky.

Currently playing on my iPod: I Think Ur a Contra - Vampire Weekend
This song is so stuck in my head it's ridiculous. But it's such a beautiful song, and I'm going to teach myself how to play it on guitar so I can cover it.

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