Hello friend.
So I should not be blogging right now. I have so much to do.
The last performance of All in the Timing went pretty well, but I don't think we made back all the money that we spent on it. It's kind of sad because it was such a great show and we all put so much work into it. Oh well. I guess it happens some times.
After rehearsal I had time to grab some lunch and then had to go straight to A Very Potter Musical rehearsal. We're putting up the opening number as part of a variety show and I'm Hermione. It's super fun, but at this point, it's just another thing to be stressed out about.
And then there's No Witness. Why do I take on so much? No Witness is a short show that's being put on by the Women's Center on campus. It's a trial of a rape case meant to challenge the audience's views of rape. Twelve members of the audience will be selected as jurors and they decide on the verdict after we give them the case. It's a pretty interesting show, but in all honesty it's also extremely disturbing. I'm playing the defense attorney, so I'm probably the most hated character in the show, apart from the accused. Again, it's a fun experience getting ready for the show and I'm really happy to be a part of it, but it's just more lines to memorize and less time spent studying for my exam on Tuesday in my Physiology and Neurobiology course. (This class may kill me. Or at least, my GPA.)
I also should have studied more last night, but instead after the show, Eliza and I decided to watch both Tangled and How to Train Your Dragon. She had never seen How to Train Your Dragon which is a crime in my mine (even though the first time I ever saw it was about three weeks ago) and I had never seen Tangled. Both of these movies are phenomenal and I would readily suggest either of them if you ever need a good animated adorable movie.
So here I am, in the Student Union, unable to study any more. I have rehearsal for No Witness in fifteen minutes for two hours. Then I get to go to my room, attempt to get a short VLog in before midnight, and continue studying.
There are times when I wish I didn't go to college. Where I wish I could just travel the world or go into a profession that didn't require so much school. Then I realize how much I love learning. The only classes that really make me feel like this are the ones where I feel like I'm not actually getting anything out of them. The classes that I need to take rather than the ones I want to take. I also think about how I wouldn't be able to be in the real world just yet. College is cushy, despite what you may hear. Yeah, we're all broke college students, but we aren't paying rent, we don't have too hard of a time finding a job on campus, and we have the ability to take relatively light course loads. I'm going to be graduating in just over a year, and that thought terrifies me. It's not even like I'm going directly into the real world. I'm just going to graduate school. But I'm still really uneasy about leaving undergrad.
It's not like when I left high school. I was ready to leave high school half way through my sophomore year. Half way through my sophomore year of college, I couldn't believe that I was half-way finished with my degree.
Speaking of, I really need to schedule my GRE's for this summer. I also need to keep in mind to take them when George wont be at my house. I don't want to be freaking out studying while he's here, and I definitely don't want to ditch him for a day while I go take the test.
I can't wait until he gets here. I can't stop thinking about how amazing this summer is going to be and how much I'm looking forward to it. The thing that makes it worse is that I know he feels the exact same way. He imed me right when he woke up this morning saying that he's been missing me and it was exceptionally strong this morning. I told him that I had a dream about going to New Zealand to see him. I kind of love this kid and I have no idea what to expect this summer, though I do know it'll be fantastic and unforgettable.
Currently playing on my iPod: All Time Low
I needed to listen to music that I don't know all the words for when studying. All Time Low wont do for much longer, unfortunately. I either listen to them a lot, or I study a lot. Or both.
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