01 April, 2011

i'm only sleeping

Hi friend. I'm not a morning person. I guess that goes without saying after mentioning that I have a sleep disorder.
I have something known as Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. It's pretty much just a permanent jetlag. It's more annoying than dabilitating, but I get by. While most people in the world get tired around midnight in their respective time zone, I don't get tired until about three or four am. Since I don't get tired until later, my body also isn't ready to wake up until later. It's difficult because I don't live on a socially acceptable schedule. I try to schedule work and classes around it, and while that may be easy in college, I know I won't be able to do that my entire life. Lucky for me, highschool wasn't very lenient as far as scheduling was concerned so I've. Learned how to function on minimal amounts of sleep already.
Time for class. Biology of the brain. Hopfully the coffee I drank this morning will keep me awake and focussed.

Currently playing on my iPod: World of Warcraft Ruined My Life - All Caps
I recently purchased their album Bmin/E. It's absolutely amazing. After all, it must be if it tore me away from The Wallflowers.

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