Hello friend.
Probably the worst thing about living on the other side of the world is the fact that I am sure to fall out of contact with some amazing people. I don't want it to happen. I try when I can to keep conversations going. But sometimes I forget. Or sometimes they forget. And that's fine. It happens. But it still makes me quite sad.
There are some friends who won't let contact fall short. We may not be constantly in contact, but we talk often enough that it's normal for us to stay in touch. There are some other friends who are easier to keep in touch via Facebook or twitter. You tweet at them or send them a message every other week or so. But then we get to the friends who are incredibly busy and focused on the life in front of them, the life since college graduation, the life that you're not really a part of anymore. Again, that's fine. There are times when I'm entirely focused on the life that I've created for myself since moving that I kind of forget to talk to all the people who don't first contact me. And sometimes a friend will contact me, and I'll make a mental note to respond after work, or on the weekend when I can give them the response that they deserve, and then that just doesn't happen. Time gets away from me. I like to think that when I contact a friend and don't hear back from them, it's not out of malice or resentment, but instead out of good intentions and human error.
My friends who know me well will know that I do not have a high texting stamina. I'm not one to just sit and text someone for hours. I can't hold a conversation like that for ages. Skype, yes. Face to face, yes. Phone call, most of the time. Texting, nope. One of my senior year roommates conditioned me to be a bit better at it. I really need to thank her for that because it's seriously the only way I keep in touch with some people. Texting is far more convenient than scheduling a Skype call. I can text a bit during the day at work, or while grocery shopping or cleaning the flat. The time when I would be available for a Skype call are later in the evening when most of my friends on the East Coast would be asleep. Again, no one's fault. That's just the way it is.
I wish that there was a middle ground. A way to live here and have these wonderful experiences and these new friends, but to still always have time for my friends back home. I make time as often as I can. I want my friends back home to know how important they are to me. I just wish that it was easier. I guess it is pretty easy now considering Facebook, Skype and iMessage, at least much easier than it was when letters were the main method of communication. In those days, someone moved across the world, across the country even, and that was that.
My friends are all over-achievers and are all living wonderfully fulfilling and enriching lives. I'd like for them to continue. I'd just like to remain a part of them.
Currently playing on my iPod: Vince Guaraldi - A Charlie Brown Christmas
It's still Christmas time, and this album is still perfect.
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